Uporabila sem zlat gelatos, digi Bugaboo, štampiljko z napisom Ustvarjalnega dotika in Misti, Spelbindersovo rezalno šablono za oval, štampiljko snega Altenew in pentljico Najlepši par.
Pile it On: #123 Any Holiday / Celebration
Crazy 4 Challenges: #366 Sketch 323
Scrapping 4 Fun: #80 Christmas
A Gem of a Challenge: #184 Anything Christmas Goes
Inky Chics: #76 Christmas Card in traditional colours (Gold)
Card Mania: #87 Anything Goes
Fussion: Photo - It's Christmas
Christmas Cards All Year Round: December Anything Christmas/Holiday
Crafty Enjoyments: #12 All about Christmas
Craty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge Extra: Anything Goes
Crafty Boots: Christmas
Come and Get it: Christmas
DiesRUs: #62 Christmas
Najlepši par: decembrska galerija (brez pentlje ne gre)
The Corrosive Challenge: Gold (or Silver) Christmas
Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite.
14 komentarjev:
Ooo čudoviti angelčki!
Zelo so mi všeč, še posebej barva in napisi :)
Temu angelčku pa tako lepo paše zlata. Lepo si jih pobarvala in sestavila v čudovite mini voščilnice. (A niso cartkane te 10x10)
Beautiful cards Keti, sweet image and fabulous layout. Thank you for playing along with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.
Simpatičen angel in lušne mini voščilnice.
Zelo lepo voščilnico si naredila :-)) Angelček je čudovit.
Hvala, ker se igraš z nami pri Scrapping4funChallenges.
Beautifully simple, great style. We hope you join us again at Come And Get It, CarolG
Lovely elegant and simple Christmas card. The angel is beautiful! Thanks for joining the Dies R Us December "Christmas" Challenge.
Beautiful set of card,
Thank you for your lovely entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
Rachelle DT
Beautiful. Thanks for joining us at the challenge of Inky Chicks. DT Veronique
Zelo, zelo lepi...
Beautiful..Thank you so much for sharing and joining in with us at CCAYR...
what a wonderful project filled with so much love and holiday joy!
thank you so much for joining our challenge over at The Crafty Hazelnut’s Christmas Challenge Blog Extra!🙂
Lovely and elegant, thank you for sharing it with us at CraftyEnjoyments
Monika DT
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